Tuesday, September 30, 2008

hello and welcome to my new blog which came to me out of nowhere in the middle of the night.in the morning the following quote leapt out at me!

this is a blog to inspire , appreciate and love the wonders of life, daily moment by moment

"suppose the world is suddenly plunged in a war, disaster strikes and everyone is distraught. if you climb as high as you can above the turmoil, you will see that in spite of all that is going on in the world you are in the light, filled with joy and love, an immense love which you pour out onto all suffering people.yes, you are above the clouds and they stayed below at the mercy of circumstance.it is important you to get into the habit of doing these exercises every day so that in the end you cannot live without it."

omraam mikhael aivanhov

it is my joy that you may join me in rising above the clouds and seeing the beauty .

love and light